After three days of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival I have seen 19 shows.

I gave just only one show a full five stars:  The Object Lesson, an original work of theater in an interactive space full of  junk and boxes of stuff.  A one man show conceived and performed by Geoff Sobelle, it is illusion, stunt and comedy that makes us think about all those objects we surround ourselves with.

Interestingly, of the eleven shows with three or more stars, seven were a single performer.

The shows included one (Theatre on a Long Wire) where the actor only appeared by phone and not even a speaker phone (one of the 16 audience members had to repeat the actors words),  one which combined storytelling with movement and hip hop (Shame)  and another (Margaret Thatcher) which featured men in drag and 80’s disco music.

5 Stars (excellent, mesmerizing, original)
The Object Lesson

4 Stars (I really enjoyed it)
Last Christmas
Crazy Glue
Hannah Gadsby

3.5 stars
Margaret Thatcher in Soho
Title and deed

3 stars (I enjoyed it)
Big bite sized breakfast
Café Ruse

2.5 stars (held my interest but can’t say I enjoyed it)
The eradication of schizophrenia in western Lapland

2 stars (didn’t like)
Theatre on a Long Thin Wire

1.5 stars
Re: Fujisan
Anatomy of the piano

1 star (Disliked, found annoying, hated)
Lexicon lady

0 stars (I walked out)
Silent voices
Food junkie